Reckoning Apparatus, 2005
For the problem is one of focus, of the field as well as the point of
vision: you will solve your problem best
without displacement
-Charles Olson
It is the visceral quality of the visual world that has held my attention, an inescapable sense of the physicality not only of things but of space itself, the physical quality of space, the space between things. Through the transfiguration of vision, the outer world enters our inner world, but not without changes; not just as any scene is changed by a lens, but through the constant manipulation of this information by our minds before and after it is seen, layering of the inner world over the outer, found, world. A world of layers, layers of volumes.
Exhibited at Ulriksdals Wärdshus, 2005
Reckoning Apparatus, 2005
Performance with Reckoning Apparatus, 2005
Reckoning Apparatus, 2005
Performance with Reckoning Apparatus, 2005
Reckoning Apparatus, 2005
Performance with Reckoning Apparatus, 2005
Reckoning Apparatus, 2005
Wood, metal, leather, cast crystal
Reckoning Apparatus, 2005
Wood, metal, leather, cast crystal
Reckoning Apparatus, 2005
Wood, metal, leather, cast crystal